Upcycled ingredients – good for people and the planet

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In 2021, the market research firm MINTEL declared ‘beauty eco-lution’ the next evolution in clean beauty. The trend marries ethics with safety to cater to conscious consumers paying more attention to how a product is made or sourced. An increasing demand for more sustainable products and the renewable qualities of natural raw materials have become key for the conscious consumer. In the last years, the trend to look more closely at sustainable ingredients and thus to focus on upcycling discarded raw materials has become more and more important. There is a wide range of food waste that can be used to develop upcycled natural and organic cosmetics: Citrus extracts from lemon and orange peels, coffee and cocoa beans waste, olive oil waste, tomato skins, wheat bran and many more – just to name a few valuable examples. Get in contact with us to see how we can make your product range more sustainable.